Thursday, September 13, 2018

Doctor's orders and the Divine Ms. M.

Day 13: Alive in Paris

After yesterday's scare, and on the advice of Dra. Claire-Marine Andro, we proceeded to enjoy our day until the follow-up at 2pm.

We had to cancel our plans to visit our friend Joel in St. Germain-en-Laye because of the follow-up appointment. So we decided to try, again, to see the Atelier des Lumieres. It was a longish Metro ride to the 11th. And a few blocks walk to our destination. 

When we arrived, the line was already long. I got on my phone and bought timed ticked and we were in. Husband initially hated the exhibition but afterwards declared it fabulous, and it was!

The main event was Klimt but there were two other shows that were also lovely. We got there in the middle of Klimt and stayed until it was fully shown again.

Outstanding music!
Atelier des Lumieres was truly one of my favorite things.  Highly recommended but get your timed tickets online ahead of time.

We wanted to do a little shopping at a particular appliance store in the 7th so headed there by Metro. When we arrived it was closed for lunch. Bummer. We walked around the area and remembered again why we love the leafy 7th.

A "very rude" French truck driver noticed me trying to get a picture of this beautifully harmonious house and stopped short so as not to block the view. (I love Paris!)

It was overcast but seriously, those canons and that tower never get old.

We got back to Dr. Andros' office on time for our 2pm appointment (E25/$29). She gave us the bad news that the blood work had not ruled out a DVT. She scheduled husband for an Ultrasound of his leg at 430pm further out in the 16th. She gave him his next Lovenox shot. She wanted us to return for a final visit the following day.

We went back to the apartment, then decided to visit the Clemenceau Museum.  We only had about an hour in there and it was definitely not enough time.

We took the Metro to the ultrasound office. It was really pretty walk after we got off at the station.  Our trusty Streetwise Paris helped us get there without problems! The receptionist again spoke English and was expecting us. Husband said the radiologist (we believe she was a doctor and not just a technician) who did the procedure was super thorough and told him that she did not find a clot (woohoo!).  We left there with the radiology pictures and results. We paid E110 (S120).

Again following Drs. orders, we found our way to a cafe, sat at a table on the sidewalk, and had a couple of drinks while watching Paris go by.

It was a pretty area and I got the requisite door (and wrought iron fluer de lis) picture.

Dinner tonight was at Josephine Chez Dumonet, a traditional Bisto that had been on my radar since our second trip to Paris but where we'd for some reason (possibly not being able to make reservations online) hadn't been to yet. In 2017, we were wowed by Chef Christian Dumonet and his great staff at Les Jardins de Josephine at La Defense (it changed hands this year) and decided we'd try his flagship. 

It was a quick Metro ride from our apartment. Husband, who has never met a stranger, upon entering told the server who greeted us that we'd been at Les Jardins last year, they were impressed, and promptly sat in the busy front room, by the bar. It was a perfect spot to see the comings and goings in this busy restaurant!

I don't eat red meats or pork but was well satisfied with a delicious tomato salad and fish. Husband got the beef bourguignon and proclaimed it the best ever. The Grand Marnier soufle was to-die-for!

Don't know his name but he was our server at Les Jardins de Josephine in 2017. The customer was not a happy camper because he felt ignored and slighted. Turns out he's a regular (3-4 times per year for 10 years) who has never really been given the preferential treatment that Bette Midler (yes, the Divine Ms. M), her husband ,and daughter received--her party did not have a reservation, they got special treats, and personal attention from the chef.

Everyone, including Chef Dumonet, tried to placate this gentleman but he finished his (compted) meal and left in a huff, turning down champagne, which the chef then delivered to us--and we accepted gratefully! It was theatrical, hilarious (particularly when 4 New Yorkers entered and were none too subtle about snapping Ms. M pictures to her daughter's rightful objections), and one of the funnest evenings we've ever had!

Chef left the pear apperitif on our table.

There were two people between us and Bette Midler, OhEmGeeee!

We didn't want to be the New Yorkers so we video'd the chef preparing steak tartare for Ms. M and her daughter and husband. This is a screenshot from the video.

After this fantastic dinner, we metro'd back to the apartment. As I caught sight of the Eiffel Tower  all I could feel was gratitude for Paris who in one day had given us healthcare, sights, people, and experiences like no where else!

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